søndag den 31. august 2014

Uh Oh Education

Uh Oh Education...

This is going to be a long one)

This might seem as an odd blogpost, but I really want to write about how I feel, and hopefully help others in the whole education procedure.
This blogpost is about trying to choose what your future is going to contain, and what you are going to do the rest of your life (education and job wise).

See, I have been feeling very confused, sad, pressured, and so many other things the past year, and that is because I have had to choose, or at least think about, what I want to do, what I want to study, and so on. That is a VERY difficult decision to make, when you have absolutely no idea which direction you want to go.

To make you understand exactly how confused I’ve been, here are all the different studies I've looked at:

First, I wanted to be a teacher - I then worked at a school for a year just to try it out.
After three months, I found out, that teaching was not for me.
I then thought that I wanted to study English at Uni - because you can always use English.
At that time, the application deadline was overdue.
I then wanted to be a cosmetician, but my interest was not so much skincare as it is make-up.
Now I thought that make-up artist was the thing for me, but that is EXTREMELY expensive.
Now my gap year was almost over, and I began to FREAK out!
So I applied for some universities (almost without looking at what I was going to study)
And I got in at a University three hours away from home, studying Danish.

Now we are all caught up, I had my first day last Friday, and I already know that it is not going to work for me, because all the school work + the commute + a bunch of other things will not work in the long run.

While all of this was going on, I was thinking that ANOTHER gap year would be viewed upon as lazy, and like I didn't have anything in order, or planned (meaning my life).
But TODAY I had a long conversation with my mom and dad, and after talking for a while, I decided to drop out of Uni and take another gap year. My parents were and are very understanding and are completely behind me!

But this was not an easy decision for me to make. I have always known what my next step is, and suddenly I have no clue. I know that a lot of you are thinking that I’m crazy, a second gap year is no big deal, and it isn't! It is the not knowing that is hard.

I have been forced to learn to take it easy, and have had to realise that your future isn't something to want to rush. A huge weight was lifted from my shoulders today, because I decided to take it easy and just see how the future enrols. I really hope that if any of you are in the same situation as me, that this post will make you feel like YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE STRUGGLING TO FIGURE THIS WHOLE THING OUT. This is a very important message for me to send.
As my dad always says "No one said that it has to be easy" but things will work out, you just have to give it some time.

I really hope that this will help some of you, and I’m happy if just ONE of you can relate and has found this helpful.

If you has come to the very end of the blogpost, WELL DONE YOU!
I’m so glad I have this site, this space to let my feelings out.

Lots of love - Caroline

torsdag den 7. august 2014

Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream (+ Konkurrence)

Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream (+ Konkurrence)*

I denne uge kommer den nye duft *"Daisy Dream" fra Marc Jacobs ud i butikkerne i Danmark. For at fejre det, er der kommet en pop-up shop i Magasin, Kongens Nytorv i en begrænset periode fra d. 4-10 August.
I pop-up shoppen "bytter" man ens kreative post/hashtag via instagram, twitter eller facobook, med en prøve på den nye Daisy Dream duft. Derved kan man også være med i konkurrencen om at vinde både dufte og lækre Marc Jacobs tasker.
Der er en ny vinder hver dag, og det er kun billeder taget i pop-up shoppen, som kan deltage. 

Jeg var så heldig at blive inviteret til åbningen af pop-up shoppen, for at tage et kig på Daisy Dream universet og selvfølgelig dufte til den nye duft! 

Duften er i forhold til den meget ikoniske "Daisy" parfume lidt mere ungdommelig og frisk, og pga. hints af blåbær, grapefrugt, pære, jasmin og kokosvand dufter den af en blanding af blomst og frugt aromaer. Den er skøn forfriskende og ren i duften. 

Endnu en ting der er at elske ved denne parfume, er helt klart den fine flacon med daisy blomster all over. I de øverste blomster er der en smule guld.Selv syntes jeg, at denne er mere fin og sofistikeret end de andre parfumer. En anden ting at bemærke er, den flotte e lyseblå farve som selve parfumen har. 


De meget søde damer i Pop-up shoppen sørgede for en lille gave til jer læsere og gav mig TO flasker af den nye Daisy Dream duft -og en af dem kan blive din!
Hvis du har lyst til at være med i konkurrencen skal du bare følge de simple trin nedenfor! 

1. Følg mig på bloglovin link HER
2. Skriv jeres E-mail nedenfor i kommentarene samt navnet på denne nye Marc Jacobs duft

OBS: Konkurrencen slutter d. 30/8 kl 20:00 og de heldige vindere vil bliver kontaktet den følgene dag! 

Held og lykke! 

Lots of love - Caroline 

søndag den 3. august 2014

Get The Look - Vanessa Hudgens (Everyday Style)

Get The Look - Vanessa Hudgens
(Everyday Style) 

The other day I dragged my boyfriend out to help me make my first ever "Get the look video", we ended up taking loads of pictures too, so I thought I would make a blogpost about it.

The three styles I recreated are above, and I think they are super cute! 

Look number one

Dress - Asos, Sunglasses - Urban Outfitters, Headband - Asos, Shoes - H&M, Bag - Next

Look number two
Dress - Asos, Jacket - Only, Sunglasses - Urban Outfitters, Shoes - Bianco

Look number three
White crochet top - H&M, Maxiskirt - Homemade, Bag -Monkii

The maxiskirt was a real challenge! I couldn't find one in any of the stores, and when FINALLY found one similar online it was out of stock, so I ended up buying a maxidress from H&M and changed it to a maxiskirt. 

I hope you enjoyed this little post! Stay tuned, because something very exciting is happening tomorrrow (Well for me anyway) and I think there will be a little surprise for you afterwards!! 

Tag et kig på videoen jeg har lagt op på min youtube kanal HER

Lots of love - Caroline